This Time it’s about Solutions – Film Maker/Citizen Journalist to go Underground

“I am not hiring a crew because I do not want them to face any backlash or danger. I’m filming everything myself. In many cases, I’m going undercover with hidden cameras. When needed, I’m altering my appearance. I’m determined to go face to face with the culprits.” ~ Dennis Michael Lynch

In They Come to America, The Cost of Illegal Immigration, I focused on the problems. I detailed the costs, both human and financial. In the sequel, THEY COME TO AMERICA II, I will focus on solutions. My goal is to answer the question, “So how do we stop it and what do we do with the 20 million people here already?”

I am not hiring a crew because I do not want them to face any backlash or danger. I’m filming everything myself. In many cases, I’m going undercover with hidden cameras. When needed, I’m altering my appearance. I’m determined to go face to face with the culprits. And I’m passionate about interviewing the very best experts — people who are willing to punch the issue square in the face — it’s the only way to fix the problem once and for all.


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