Ethnic density linked to psychosis risk

“This study suggests strong evidence for area-level or ‘contextual’ associations with psychotic experiences in minority ethnic groups,” Das-Munshi and team conclude.

Reduced own-group ethnic density within a given geographic area is associated with an increased risk for psychotic experiences, results from a UK study show.

Jayati Das-Munshi (King’s College London) and team found that, overall, each 10% reduction in own-group ethnic density was associated with a 1.07-fold increase in the risk for psychotic experiences.

“The findings from this study, using nationally representative data, largely confirm that for minority ethnic groups living in England, people living in areas of lower own-group density are more likely to have psychotic experiences,” comment the researchers.

The team studied data from the Ethnic Minorities Psychiatric Illness Rates in the Community (EMPIRIC) survey – a cross-sectional, nationally representative survey of 4281 adults, aged 16-74 years, living in England in 2000. The survey included the main ethnic minority groups (Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Black Caribbean, and Irish) and a White British group.

Ethnic density was defined as the percentage of minority ethnic people living within middle super output areas – administrative areas with a minimum population of 5000.


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