Age of Obama: Hollywood Conservatives ‘Resisting the Bullying from the Left’

The election of President Obama wasn’t what Hollywood conservatives had in mind, but the 2008 elections may have given them some freedoms they didn’t expect within their industry.

Hollywood conservatives are hopeful for some real change in their industry.

Fox News reports that the recent support given to Mitt Romney by stars ranging from Stacey Dash to Kelsey Grammer are due to a new sense of comfort right-leaning celebrities feel within the show business community.

Publicist Angie Meyer told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column:

“For the first time in a long time, conservatives in Hollywood are resisting the bullying from the left. They are ready to speak their minds.”

So, too, are liberal celebrities – even when their thoughts are hateful or cruel. The latter group speaks freely with the knowledge they won’t get punished for their comments. They might even be resume enhancers.

The danger of conservatives speaking their minds in Hollywood, however, hasn’t gone away. This reporter spoke to a well known actor recently who described losing work because his conservative political views became known to his peers.


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