Politics of Racial Division: Hillary and Obama Ignoring Genocide against Whites

When we have such tyranny and genocide happening in South Africa and Hillary is discussing “green energy,” we certainly know where Obama’s regime is on this issue: namely, tacit approval. A search of the State Departments website did not produce any condemnation for these acts or atrocities.

Hillary Clinton, the liberal darling of the left — and lately touted as the replacement for our “gaffe-prone” vice president, Joe Biden — has certainly proven herself to be a team player on Obama’s and the Democrats’ policy of division and opportunism in all things racial. She has just completed a trip to South Africa, where she discussed numerous issues with Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, South African minister of international relations and cooperation. The two politicians issued a joint statement for strategic dialog.

Here is a partial list of the strategic initiatives they agreed to:

the signing of a U.S. $2 billion declaration of intent between the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. and South Africa’s Industrial Development Corporation to provide credit guarantees to stimulate development of South Africa’s renewable energy sector;

the establishment of a Global Disease Detection Center in South Africa, co-directed by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases;

a R5.2 million (U.S. $650,000) USAID program for judicial management and leadership program to support South African combating sexual and gender-based violence and build upon best practices that can be shared with other countries in the region …

You get the idea about what this statement and trip were all about: building ties in a troubled world by reaching out to our global neighbors. What was conspicuously absent was any statement from Hillary or Obama on the atrocities being committed against the Afrikaners in the region. Genocide Watch, an international alliance to end genocide, chronicles the crimes against the Boers by a member organization of the ANC (South Africa’s ruling party in power), and officials of the South African government are prompting Genocide Watch to place South Africa alternately between stage 5 (“polarization”) and stage 6 (“preparation”) of their genocide scale.


Complete text linked here.

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