Conventions Flaunt “Hispanics”

According to the Center for immigration Studies 75 per cent of Mexican immigrant households receive government checks of one form or another. This percentage perfectly matches their Democratic affiliation.

“My Hispanic can beat up your Hispanic!” pretty much captured the Convention kick-offs.

“Republicans chose Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, a Cuban-American, to introduce Mitt Romney, “reported the AP. “Democrats picked Mayor Julian Castro of San Antonio, a Mexican American, as keynote speaker. Both are considered rising stars.”

Ah! But what FUN the Republicans missed! Given the era’s political-correctness, politics in the U.S. get pretty boring nowadays. No present-day politician or their slick consultants could possibly publicize what’s forthcoming in this article. So please stick around, because I belong to neither profession.

Most immigrants arrive in America poor (especially by U.S. standards.) Some arrive destitute. Almost all Cubans arrived destitute. The Castroites stole everything they owned. Yet in his classic work, The Spirit of Enterprise George Gilder titled a chapter, The Cuban Miracle.” “No other immigrant group so quickly and successfully transformed a city, while achieving such multifarious business breakthroughs as the fugitives from Castro’s regime who made Miami their home after 1960.”

More infuriating still (for the Democrat-Media Complex,) the 2000 census showed that second-generation Cuban-Americans have educational and income levels higher–not only than mot ethnic groups who dutifully punch the clock at the Democratic plantation –but also higher than the U.S. population in general.


Complete text linked here.

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