Secret Service looking into DNC delegate who wants to ‘kill’ Romney

A Latina delegate from Puerto Rico at the Democratic National Convention expressing a desire to “kill” Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

A spokesman for the Secret Service told The Daily Caller that the agency is aware of video showing a delegate at the Democratic National Convention expressing a desire to “kill” Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

“We are aware of it,” Secret Service spokesman George Ogilvie told TheDC on Thursday.

He said the department is “taking the appropriate follow-up steps” with the woman.

Video surfaced on Wednesday of a woman identifying herself as New York delegate Julia Rodriguez telling The Blaze, “If I see him” — in reference to Romney — “I would like to kill him.”

In the video, Rodriguez says she’s from Puerto Rico but she now lives in New York. She expressed her desire to kill the Republican nominee after saying “Romney will destroy this country.”

The Daily Caller couldn’t immediately reach a spokesman with the New York Democratic Party.

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