Army Report Buried Islamic Motivations For Afghan Murders of US Troops

The Red Team report’s acknowledgement, no matter how grudging, of the essential role of Islamic totalitarianism in the ANA’s murderous actions against US and NATO troops, suggests our military leadership’s current dereliction of duty is even more egregious at present than when Major Coughlin shared his observations in 2007.

Members of a U.S. military “Red Team” gather at a base in Kabul on Sept. 15, 2011.

On May 12, 2011 a US Army “Red Team” issued an unclassified report which purported to explain the burgeoning rash of murderous attacks (which have since escalated even further, still) by Afghan National Army (ANA) members on US and other NATO troops.

Although the report is dominated by apologetic, cultural relativist drivel which attempts, in vain, to explain away these acts of murder committed against the US and NATO troops by their by ANA “allies,” it also includes a crudely buried, sub rosa truthful narrative.

This latter discussion is all that matters, and bears full, clear exposure — particularly in light of the morally dubious excuse for the most recent spate of such killings of US troops. Specifically, General Allen in a pronouncement for which he should be forced to resign, maintained that Ramadan fasting, combined with operational tempo during the summer heat, were the drivers of these most recent killings of his own troops by Muslim ANA soldiers.

What General Allen willfully ignores was laid out, albeit clumsily camouflaged, using plain language, fifteen months ago in the “Red Team” report.

Based upon extensive interviews, US and NATO troops, as the report notes, were both disgusted with, and highly (and justifiably) suspicious of, the Islamically-sanctioned practices and behaviors of their Afghan military allies, and Afghan civilians.


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