GOP Should Ignore “Hispanic Republican” Scamsters

On June 15th, Aguilar released a statement welcoming Obama’s unilateral “DREAMnesty”. In a nutshell, Aguilar wants amnesty, but he wants a full, completely legal and open amnesty, approved by Congress, because he wants the GOP (and his group) to claim credit—make that “credit.”

In a twist bizarre even for GOP Hispandering, the news broke recently that a group of “Hispanic Republicans” is attacking Obama for…deporting too many illegal aliens. [Conservative Ads in Spanish Tell a Different Story to Hispanics, by Stephen Dinan, Washington Times, August 9, 2012]

This is what happens when politicians run ads in a foreign language. The English-speaking a.k.a. American majority doesn’t get to hear what’s being promised to the linguistic minority. (I exposed a previous example ten years ago: “Nuestra Gente” and the National Question in Texas.)

This ad was run by a group called “Nevada Hispanics”, in affiliation with the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, executive director Alfonso Aguilar. “Our goal was to come up with an ad that would really engage Latino voters and make them think” Aguilar was quoted as saying.


Complete text linked here.

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