Wealthy Brits look to flee abroad to escape high taxes, crime and rain

“Wealthy Brits say they are looking to leave the UK as they believe crime and anti-social behaviour is soaring and they are seeking a higher quality of life in countries which boast a safe, family-orientated lifestyle.” Nigel Green, chief executive of the deVere Group

Cyprus has overtaken Spain (pictured) as a popular destination for Brits to retire to, according to deVere Group, partly due to the country’s economic woes.

Crime, high taxes and even the weather are driving a growing number of wealthy Britons to actively consider moving abroad, according to a financial advisory firm.

DeVere Group said the number of enquiries it has received about living abroad from people with savings and investments over £250,000 has shot up almost two fifths year-on-year.

Between January and June 2012, 841 Brits asked the company for advice on leaving the UK compared to 614 in the same period last year, the group said.

Nigel Green, chief executive of the deVere Group, said: “Against a backdrop of increasing taxes, a perceived social disorder, and yes, the weather, we’ve seen that high-net-worth individuals are increasingly likely to consider moving abroad and it is a trend which we fully expect to continue through 2012 and beyond.”


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