Exposed – sick paedostani ‘culture’ in Afghanistan (Video)

At last people are waking up to the dangers posed to young girls in Britain by Muslim grooming gangs. But parents should also be aware that young boys have been – and continue to be – targets too.

The shocking film Bachu Bazi (best translated as “Boy Sex Play”) exposes how the paedophile exploitation of vulnerable young boys is routine among the ‘moderate’ Afghan men who are supposed to be allies against the Taliban.

The deeply disturbing practices exposed in the film are clear proof that the problem with immigration from Afghanistan (and Pakistan, because the same tribes live on both sides of the border) is not ‘Islamic extremists’ but the fact that the vile appetites that are regarded as ‘normal’ in their culture are totally alien and unacceptable to us.

Parents take note: The paedostani groomers of young girls are now targeting middle class girls in mobile phone shops, and – as this film shows only too clearly – although the vast majority of the victims of on-street grooming by Muslim gangs are still girls between the ages of 10 and 15, young boys are at risk as well.

Watch the film below, be disgusted, but pass the warning on to others.
Finally, a note for liberal-leftists: We’re NOT saying that there are not white paedophiles.

There are, and we’d have them chemically castrated. But on-street grooming by gangs is a different version of paedophilia and the simple fact is that the large majority of the perpetrators are Muslims, both British-born and immigrant.

And it’s also a fact that, for decades, the police, courts, media and political elite have brushed the problem under the carpet, sacrificing thousands of innocent victims of the altar of Political Correctness.


Complete text linked here.

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