Blind Democrats are outraged at questions about the independence of Holder’s appointees. Johnny-come-lately Republicans are demanding special prosecutors and balking at Holder’s arrogance, obstructionism and wanton disregard for American security and safety. Note: Two of the loudest voices belong to Sens. McCain and Graham, who both approved Holder’s nomination.
While calls for U.S. Attorney General Eric “Stonewall” Holder’s resignation grow and the House GOP gears up for a contempt vote next week, it’s worth remembering how we got into this mess. In two words: feckless bipartisanship.
“I like Barack Obama and want to help him if I can.” That was Utah GOP Sen. Orrin Hatch in January 2009, just weeks before the Senate voted on President Obama’s attorney general nominee, Eric Holder. Right out of the gate, upon Obama’s election in November 2008, Hatch signaled that he would greenlight the administration’s top law enforcer.
“I start with the premise that the president deserves the benefit of the doubt,” the six-term incumbent Hatch told The Hill newspaper. “I don’t think politics should be played with the attorney general.”
Utah voters, mark those words. Bending to bipartisanship for bipartisanship’s sake — and ignoring the obvious consequences — is playing politics.
And, conservatives, please remember the actions of all 19 Republican senators who ignored Holder’s abominable career as a political fixer and confirmed him. “I found Mr. Holder to be a good listener, which is an important prerequisite for any good leader,” Missouri GOP Sen. Kit Bond explained in support of the nomination. “I believe him when he says that he’s willing to take good ideas from wherever they come.”