Many are milking unemployment benefits until the last possible day, then switching to welfare, food stamps, and other government handouts. Some are 62 or older and stayed on unemployment just long enough to retire and seamlessly move on to Social Security after their jobless benefits are done.
The Obama apologists and mainstream media (sorry for repeating myself) claim the economy is improving and unemployment declining.
You mean like in Las Vegas?
April’s numbers show joblessness fell in Nevada below 12% for the first time in 3 years. Hip Hip Hooray! Break out the champagne. Obama has pulled off a miracle.
Well, not exactly. You see in Obama’s world, down is up, while misleading statistics and outright lies are “facts.” The truth is the shrinking unemployment number proves the job picture is getting worse, not better.
Let me explain:
The only reason Obama can claim unemployment is shrinking is because people are leaving the workforce in droves.
Here are the Las Vegas numbers — read ‘em and weep. The facts are that during the past 12 months 2,000 Las Vegans found jobs, while 20,000 gave up looking for work.
According to Obamanomics and the president’s crack statisticians that means the unemployment rate went down. Does that make sense to you?