Where did all the money go? Certainly not to America’s seniors who depend on Social Security. And not to the more than 10 million disabled Americans who depend on disability benefits. Their benefits are now projected to run out of money in just 4 years.
Comedian Jimmy Kimmel high-fived President Barack Obama after his hosting gig at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner.
While the Obama administration scrambles to explain why taxpayer dollars were wasted on lavish Las Vegas parties with clowns and mind-readers, the government has a new fire to fight: Social Security running out of money faster than ever before.
According to the annual report of the Trustees of the Social Security and Medicare trust funds, Social Security – which 45 million Americans depend upon – will be insolvent 3 years earlier than the government projected just last year. That means the wildly overspending Obama administration has knocked 3 years off the life expectancy of Social Security in just 1 year.
Social Security does not provide security. It provides looming insecurity for Americans.
Where did all the money go? Certainly not to America’s seniors who depend on Social Security. And not to the more than 10 million disabled Americans who depend on disability benefits. Their benefits are now projected to run out of money in just 4 years.
No money for seniors, no money for the disabled, and certainly no money for today’s workers and their children, who have long-since given up hope that Social Security will be there for them when they retire.