More Obama Tapes: Michelle Obama a Race Agitating Occupier? (Video)

It is important to note that I had the opportunity to review all of the original Betamax videotapes in Boston where the video quality was significantly higher than the internet version. While there is some chance this is not Michelle trespassing and “occupying” the dean’s office for racial hiring preferences, the Betamax video version leaves very little doubt it is her.

A treasure trove of information is coming out regarding Barack Obama’s time in college. Over at the Breitbart sites, we are learning how Obama inserted himself into a fight to implement hiring on the basis of race at Harvard Law School. The Obama tapes also seem to show the other Obama – Michelle – occupying the Harvard Law School dean’s office. The occupiers were agitating for the race-based hiring of Harvard law professors.

The racialist fight at Harvard Law from 1988 to 1991 swirls around Professor Derrick Bell. As detailed over at Big Government, Professor Bell was a role model to law student Barack Obama. But he also openly advocated for a variety of racialist views wholly outside the American mainstream. Some of them are outright crazy. He deliberately used his position as a professor to teach racially charged theories of structural oppression by whites. Obama, nevertheless, now famously urged us “to open up our hearts and minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell.”

Joel Pollack, editor-in-chief at, said on Hannity tonight that WGBH in Boston didn’t even reply to’s request to review the tapes buried in the WGBH archives. So instead, I went for the Bigs to Boston and reviewed them last month. More will be coming out about the racially charged fight that Obama participated in at Harvard. Stay tuned.

I found that Barack might not be the only Obama on the tapes.

In May 1988, Harvard Law students, borrowing from Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, and foreshadowing the Occupy movement of 2011, occupied the Harvard Law School’s dean’s office. The students were supporting Professor Derrick Bell’s demand that the law school hire professors on the basis of race.

One of the students “dressed in black” and occupying the dean’s office appears to be Michelle Obama (Harvard Law ’88). Here is a link to the grainy video. (lower right at about ten seconds in, wearing white Keds):

Video linked here.


Original source.

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