War, Tragedy, and Hope

All this is financed by a claim on our labor, that of our children and our unborn posterity. When someone is forced to work for another involuntarily, whether for half of his working life or 100%, doesn’t that define something? Do we still have a word for that?

For the last twenty years, America has been in a near-continuous state of war. As the drums rumble for another attack on a foreign nation, would it be impertinent to ask what America gained for the sacrifice to date? Since we are expected to pay for this along with all the profligacy of our politicians, would it be disloyal to ask what benefit the average American has derived from the blood and treasure lost so far?

The best outcome of perpetual warfare could be suspicion. Although anyone with the temerity to look at official stories and notice gaping holes is immediately dismissed as a nut, there does seem to be a growing undercurrent of healthy Yankee skepticism despite the media mythmakers’ scorn.

Among his many warnings, George Orwell cited perpetual warfare as a hallmark of dystopia. Another was the Thought Police, whose theoretical arm of political correctness today takes flesh in the depraved policies of the TSA. That’s merely a logical progression, however. The insidious tentacles of thought-control have long gripped our legal system with concepts like “hate” crimes that focus on unknowable motives rather than objective facts.

Being more advanced than those in the 1940s when Orwell was writing, we no longer need worry about helicopters peering in our windows. Today we have drones. We can rest easy, of course; our Congress would never tolerate abuse of their capabilities. Right.


Original source.

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