Ousted WH Green Czar Becomes Occupy Movement's Official Leader

Jones is a committed Marxist-Leninist-Maoist who became a revolutionary after meeting ‘young radical people of color’ in jail and views police officers as the arch enemies of black people.

The ousted Obama ‘Green Czar’ who describes himself as a ‘rowdy black nationalist’ turned communist has found a job as the official spokesperson and leader of the national movement to end economic segregation and social injustice in the United States.

Widely known as Occupy Wall Street, the movement has gained momentum with mass, often violent protests that have paralyzed cities across the nation. In New York more than 150 people were arrested and several police officers suffered injuries. In Oakland California police were forced to use riot gear and tear gas to disperse the huge, violent crowds and in Las Vegas nearly two dozen protesters were arrested.

Among the movement’s goals is to get major banks to stop preying on the poor and people of color, according to the organizer of a Massachusetts rally promoted as Take Back Boston. Protesters also demand that politicians stop giving tax breaks to the rich while slashing vital services families depend on. In short, they want to “rebuild” the American dream to make it more inclusive.

Leading the campaign is President Obama’s good friend, civil rights lawyer Van Jones, the highly-touted ‘Green Czar’ who was booted amid controversy over his radical history. A Yale Law School grad, Jones became a communist after the 1992 Rodney King riots in Los Angeles and says he loathes capitalism because it exploits nonwhite minorities worldwide. Jones is a committed Marxist-Leninist-Maoist who became a revolutionary after meeting ‘young radical people of color’ in jail and views police officers as the arch enemies of black people.


Original source.

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