Families of Fort Hood Shooting Victims Suing Obama Government

Despite this clear evidence of a soldier engaging in at the very least, verbal threats of sedition against the country and the uniform he wore, his military commanders ignored the threats and went so far to promote Hasan to the rank of Major just months prior to his shooting spree within the confines of Fort Hood.

In what is likely the first lawsuit over out of control and ultimately deadly political correctness, the families of the November 5th 2009 Fort Hood shooting victims are preparing to sue the Obama government for $750 million in damages.

It was well known within the military that Nidal Hasan was repeatedly expressing warning signs of an unbalanced and potentially dangerous individual. His Muslim extremism manifested in his repeated demands for Sharia Law in America, and for “true” followers of Islam to detonate bombs in New York’s Times Square.

Despite this clear evidence of a soldier engaging in at the very least, verbal threats of sedition against the country and the uniform he wore, his military commanders ignored the threats and went so far to promote Hasan to the rank of Major just months prior to his shooting spree within the confines of Fort Hood that killed 13 and injured many more. The shooting remains perhaps the most telling sign of an Obama administration mandate to treat Muslim Americans with the utmost respect – a mandate that in the Hasan example, directly contributed to the deaths of American soldiers on American soil.


Original source.

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