The clueless media continues to try and paint the dopes protesting on Wall Street as some sort of heroic pillars of society who must be glorified for their bravery. The reality is far less appealing – communist hippies who hate everything about America and want to fundamentally transform it. How is it that the Tea Parties were ruthlessly scrutinized for their signs yet no one is concerned about the dangerous clashes and confrontations these radicals are having with police?
“I obviously believe that my ideas are persuasive enough and beneficial enough to society that people should subscribe to them at the conclusions of their own and their own sense of right and wrong,†one protestor said. But when he was asked if force should or would be used against people that disagree, the young man said “I believe that it’s the role of the government to use force.â€
“We’re trying to accomplish the demolition of capitalism,†another protestor said.
“I want to replace capitalism with a more just economic model,†said another.