University Free Speech Chair Slams ‘Stifling Politically Correct Left’

Geher’s Free Speech Task Force has already hosted events on campus, one of which was a talk by Dr. Jonathan Haidt on victimhood culture, safe spaces, and political correctness.

The chair of a university Free Speech Task Force bashed what he called the “stifling politically correct left” and is planning to create content and events pertaining to free speech.

“Censoring, just banning someone on campus and saying we consider you dangerous because of your ideas, because of [sic] what you said doesn’t have a lot of educational value,” said Glenn Geher, Chair of the Free Speech Task Force at State University of New York (SUNY) New Paltz. “This is a place where all voices can be heard, even if some of them are unpleasant.”

The cancellation of SUNY’s debate with Accuracy in Media (AIM) director of investigative journalism Cliff Kincaid, yet again puts the university at the center of the national discourse about free speech on college campuses.

“What I find troubling, which people don’t seem to be talking about that much, is what is the point of bringing people who are essentially hate mongers to a college campus?” said SUNY sociology professor Anne R. Roschelle. “I disagree with the idea of a university spending money on someone [sic] is a known hate monger.”


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