Category Archives: Torture

WATCH: Trump Rusher Tommy DiMassimo’s Films Feature Torture Porn of Black People

Tommy DiMassimo—the flag-desecrating young man from Ohio whose attempt to get onstage with GOP frontrunner Donald Trump was thwarted by the Secret Service Saturday—is also a budding filmmaker, whose work is posted on YouTube and often seems to involve images of black people being tortured.

Prior to his newly-found Trump fame, Mr. Dimassi,o was a child actor, according to his IMdB resume. His page features a professional-looking headshot of DiMassimo as a youngster and credits including two appearances in 2004 on the series Reno 911 as well as a 2008 credit on the Tyler Perry series House of Payne.

Like many young thespians, Mr. DiMassimo wanted to branch out into producing and directing later in life, prior to branching into Black Lives Matter activism.

Here are couple of Mr. DiMassimo’s own efforts.

Red, Black and Blue is a short film that DiMassimo both wrote and produced in addition to portraying the role of “Killer Cop.”

The movie seems to be about black people murdering police officers after being humiliated and tortured by them. The “teaser” for the film shows a number of young black men being first tortured by police and then engaging them in a firefight with automatic weapons. The teaser ends with the title “United, or Die.”


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Medellin gangs use ‘horror houses’ to torture and dismember victims

Colombia has for years suffered at the hands of leftist guerrillas, extreme right-wing paramilitary killers and a rise of neo-paramilitary groups that emerged after the demobilization of paramilitary groups between 2003-2006. These criminal organizations specialize in extortion, kidnapping, drug trafficking and gruesome killings.

The center of Medellin is home to “horror houses” used to torture and dismember, the city’s mayor admitted on Wednesday, exposing a bloody threat to society.

These sites where horrific acts of violence occur have of late been denounced by human rights organization amid the appearance of dismembered bodies in city, however the city’s officials previously denied the connection, until now.

“There are places where people are dismembered. When they kill a person and dismember them, it sends a message to society and members of the structures in charge. Without a doubt, there are places where people are dismembered,” said Deputy Mayor for Governance and Security of Medellin, Luis Fernando Suarez.

Four dismembered bodies were discovered in September bound in plastic bags with colored ribbons are now thought to be connected to these slaughter-houses, the handiwork of deadly gangs characterized by such practice.

Luis Fernando Quijano, leader of Human Rights for Medellin said “There are scores settled and obviously actions on the part of the terrorists to silence the people under a cloak of terror.” Additionally connecting bodies discovered in May and June, “bagged, tied, tortured”.


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Fidel Castro’s double life revealed: Former bodyguard claims Cuban dictator directed cocaine trafficking operations ‘like a real godfather’ and interfered in officials’ trials

Juan Reinaldo Sanchez, 66, makes explosive claims in a new tell-all book. Says Castro directed cocaine trafficking operations ‘like a real godfather’. Adds Cuban dictator presided over the trials of two government officials. He then ‘made other officials watch a video of one of men’s executions’. Sanchez was eventually imprisoned and tortured in Cuba in 1994 after he attempted to retire over concerns about Castro’s ‘corrupt’ practices. Castro, now 88, was previously Prime Minister and President of country.

Revelations: Juan Reinaldo Sanchez

He spent 17 years in close proximity to Fidel Castro as one of his bodyguards.

Now, Juan Reinaldo Sanchez has revealed the Cuban dictator’s ‘double life’ in a new tell-all book.

The 66-year-old – who was eventually imprisoned and tortured in 1994 after he attempted to retire over concerns about Castro’s ‘corrupt’ practices – discloses countless state secrets in his expose.

He tells of how Castro directed cocaine trafficking operations ‘like a real godfather’, presided over the trials of two government officials and then forced him to watch one of the men’s executions.

And he speaks of how he came to the realization that ‘the man for whom I had long sacrificed my life… and who counted more in my eyes than my own family’ was leading a ‘corrupt’ secret life.

Sanchez, who lost more than 30 kilograms during his time in prison, escaped from his tiny isolation cell in 2008. He headed to Mexico by boat, crossed the Texas border and finally settled in Miami.


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Are Drone Strikes More Defensible Than Torture? by Victor Davis Hanson

How is assassinating a suspected terrorist – and anyone unfortunate enough to be in his general vicinity – with a drone missile morally or legally different from waterboarding a confessed terrorist at Guantanamo Bay? At least the waterboarded suspect survives the ordeal.

There are lots of hypocrisies surrounding the recently released executive summary of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on the CIA’s detention and interrogation program. But they pale in comparison to the current Democratic silence about President Barack Obama’s policy of targeted drone assassinations.

Since 2004, drones have killed an estimated 2,400 to 3,888 individuals in Pakistan alone, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London. An estimated 345 to 553 individuals in Yemen have been killed in drone strikes over the same period. The BIJ reports that the Obama administration has “markedly stepped up the use of drones. Since Obama’s inauguration in 2009, the CIA has launched 330 strikes on Pakistan – his predecessor, President George Bush, conducted 51 strikes in four years.”

On some occasions, drones blew up women and children in the target area. According to the BIJ, casualties of the drone strikes include 480 to 1,042 civilians in Pakistan and Yemen.


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Venezuela Accused Before UN of More Than 5,000 Acts of Torture

On Thursday and Friday, the socialist government of Venezuela stood before the United Nations Committee Against Torture to answer for more than 5,000 complaints of human rights violations over the last decade—3,000 of which occurred in 2014.

El Universal, Venezuela’s largest newspaper, reports that the committee criticized Venezuela’s representative for what appeared to be minimal actions taken to investigate or discuss instances in which state agents or proxies were accused of committing acts of torture. The UN’s official rapporteur on the matter, Jens Modvig, heavily questioned the nation’s representative:

There are allegations that during the February disturbances there were over 3,000 detentions, and that those people were stripped naked, threatened with raping, they were not allowed to receive medical care or to call a lawyer or their family, plus other allegations of torture. What measures were applied to prevent torture?

José Vicente Rangel Avalos the Venezuelan vice-minister of Interior Policy and Citizen’s Security offered few answers, except for insisting that Venezuela “respects the human rights of all.” Avalos also did not directly answer questions about the use of political appointees and assorted affiliates of the Socialist Bolivarian Party in the judiciary, which UN officials described as a significant warning sign that Venezuela lacked free and fair judges. The committee also questioned the designation of political appointments to that nation’s Human Rights Committee, established in April in response to complaints from citizens that police and affiliated gangs were attacking unarmed student protesters.


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Mexican Cartel Beat Texan to Death After Kidnapping and Torturing Him

An American citizen was beaten to death by drug cartel members while another barely managed to survive the kidnapping and torture just south of the Texas border.

The two men have been identified as 38-year-old Erick Candanoza, and 25-year-old Carlos Vela Moreno, who are from the border city of Brownsville and were in the business of selling used cars, according to Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio.

On Wednesday night, the Sheriff’s deputies arrived to the Los Indios International Bridge where the two men had arrived, Candanoza had already died and Vela was rushed to a local hospital where investigators were able to interview him.

The two men had crossed into Mexico a vehicle they were going to sell through the Progreso International Bridge and were driving towards the border city of Matamoros when their car overheated, Lucio said.

“They pulled over to the side of the road and that is when two vehicles with six or seven men carrying various firearms kidnapped them,” the sheriff said. “They took them to a wooded area away from any residences and began to beat them.”

Vela told the investigators that Candanoza took the worst of the beating since the gunmen appeared to have been targeting him over a feud with a relative, Lucio told Breitbart Texas. After the beating, the gunmen took the men to a local hospital from where they were able to get transport to an international bridge.


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L.A. ‘epicenter’ of cartel money laundering

“The victim was held captive at a ranch in Sinaloa, where he was beaten, shot, electrocuted and water-boarded. The hostage was released after relatives paid $140,000 in ransom” through the fashion district business, authorities said in a statement.

Los Angeles is known as the nation’s capital of many things. Entertainment. Gangs. Even the creative capital of the world.

Add this: The City of Angels is now the nation’s “epicenter” for money laundering by international drug cartels.

Federal officials made such an announcement this week after they raided downtown businesses and seized an estimated $100 million in cash and from bank accounts around the world that were part of forfeiture actions in the ongoing probe.

Some of the laundered money included ransom payments to the Sinaloa drug cartel that allegedly kidnapped and tortured a U.S. citizen at a ranch in Mexico.

“Los Angeles has become the epicenter of narco-dollar money laundering with couriers regularly bringing duffel bags and suitcases full of cash to many businesses,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert E. Dugdale said.


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