Category Archives: Bill Whittle

The Cold War: What We Saw | The Liberators – Episode 12 (Documentary)

A change of commanders comes too late to reverse the situation in Southeast Asia as Richard Nixon’s program of ‘Vietnamization’ eases America out of its worst-directed war. But long before the last American serviceman leaves Vietnam, a new generation of liberators rise to the challenge of saving American tactics, weaponry and doctrine from themselves.

The Cold War: What We Saw | The Jaws Of Defeat – Episode 11 (Documentary)

Mired not only in the jungles of Southeast Asia but, worse, mired in outdated, rigid doctrine, fossilized tactics, and declining morale, a light can be made out in the middle of America’s darkest night. A swaggering fighter jock, married to a movie star, turns a demoralized, undertrained and under-led group of dispirited American flyers into a snarling Wolfpack that pulls off a supersonic ambush in one of the greatest military operations of all time.

The Cold War: What We Saw | Welcome To The Suck – Episode 10 (Documentary)

You stepped out of a big, air-conditioned silver bird, out into the kind of heat, sunlight and humidity that even Americans raised in the Deep South could not believe. You would wander around, wondering where your ground transport was, and what your barracks might be like, and once the immensity of the new reality fully hit, someone with more time in-country might notice your expression and mutter, “Hey man. Welcome to the suck.”

The Cold War: What We Saw | Cloaks and Daggers – Episode 9 (Documentary)

With the mechanisms of apocalypse firmly in place, both sides accelerate their efforts to determine the actual capabilities of the other. No detail is too insignificant: attempts are made to recover Soviet test warheads from the bottom of the ocean.

The Cold War: What We Saw | Playa Giron – Episode 7 (Documentary)

He had grown up a rich kid, believe it or not: the illegitimate son of a millionaire planter and a servant girl half his age. He was named “Truth,” he was handsome and rugged, a 6’3″ charismatic giant who had arrived back on his native shore with Che Guevara and handful of men on a leaky tub named “Granma.” He faced off against Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama and lived to see the election of Donald Trump. His name was Fidel Castro, and he brought communism to the Western Hemisphere.

The Cold War: What We Saw | We Like Ike – Episode 6

In the years after World War II, Dwight David Eisenhower was arguably the most popular man on the planet. Ike’s prestige was so immense that in 1948, President Harry S Truman offered him the top slot on the 1948 Democratic ticket, with the offer to revert to his former position as Vice President under Eisenhower. It wasn’t enough.

The Cold War: What We Saw | Death In The Kremlin – Episode 5 (Documentary)

Joseph Stalin, the architect and instigator of the 42-year Cold War, has died five years into the conflict. Across the Atlantic, a new Republican President, who had worked closely with Uncle Joe during World War II, is a mere two months in office. As the knives come out for the succession fight inside the Kremlin, will a brief window of opportunity be enough to completely reset the conflict?

Saving California

Join us for our Kick-off event, Saving California!

Burbank Marriott, March 17, 2018 2500 North Hollywood Way · Burbank, California 91505 From 9 AM -5PM

Gala Dinner available at $100 7 PM -10PM

We have reached the critical Tipping Point – will you let California wither and die without a fight?

We are putting together an exclusive group for a dramatic day of Connecting, Creating and Celebrating on March 17 in Burbank. This is California’s Last Stand, and we want political insiders like you to stand with us.

*Connect with top candidates, activists, leaders and cutting edge political game changers.

*Create a roadmap for winning elections, as well as the hearts and minds of your neighbors.

*Celebrate inspiring stories and new friendships.

Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.

Graphic Quotes: Bill Whittle on the Antifa

Everything about Antifa is as fascist as it gets. They are thugs who beat their opposition into silence because they want political power, but at the heart of it, they are nothing but privileged cowards.

People Who Use Logic #29 (Video)

Ben Shapiro, Bill Whittle, Jordan B. Peterson and others talk about the useful idiots of political correctness like Feminists, and Social Justice Warriors.