Nolte: Obamacare Mandate Repeal Is the Most Important Civil Rights Victory in Years

Going all the way back to 2009, it was obvious Obamacare would end up looking like a Rube Goldberg machine powered by totalitarianism. Who would have ever guessed, though, it was such a fiasco that the mandate would actually cost the government money — a delicious irony that would result in its undoing.

It works like this…

For the sin of being born, Obamacare mandates that every American purchase health insurance. If we do not purchase this totally unnecessary, godawful product (more on this below), we are required by law to pay a hefty tax to the federal government.

Somehow, and I do not really care how, this tax actually costs the government money, some $340 billion — with a “B” — every ten years.

Only Bill Ayers’ pal and his merry band of congressional nincompoops could crawl so far up their own backsides that they were able to find a tax that increases the deficit.

But thank heavens they did. Had they not, the Senate would not have repealed the mandate Friday night.

After the humiliation of failing to keep their defining promise to repeal Obamacare, the Senate turned to tax reform, which also looked sketchy due to deficit projections. But then the clouds parted and the stars aligned with the discovery that repealing the Obamacare mandate would save the government this $340 billion.


Complete text linked here.

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