New York Times Glorifies Violent Antifa Rioters with Style Guide, Tactical Advice

The New York Times has glorified Antifa and its more violent “black bloc” rioters with a style guide, complete with riot gear advice.

In their article, titled “What to Wear to Smash the State,” the New York Times detailed the fashion of violent far-left rioters who enjoy “punching Nazis,” before advising what to wear during violent protests and riots.

“This mass of solid black descending upon the park in Berkeley, hunting for fascists, was an intimidating aesthetic. That’s by design,” they declared, before quoting an anarchist who claimed that covering your face and dressing in uniform “makes it easier for saboteurs to take the offensive against storefronts, banks and any other material symbols and power centers of capitalism and the state.”

Despite quoting the anarchist, who openly admitted that the black clothing and covered faces were used to evade police officers while committing crimes, the New York Times attempted to claim that the style is a safety measure to prevent being identified by “white supremacist groups.”


Complete text linked here.

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