Soros, Pelosi to speak at 3-day ‘Resistance’ conference

Billionaire George Soros and Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi are headlining the last day of a secretive three-day conference on Friday, where Democratic megadonors are plotting the next steps of their “resistance,” according to internal documents obtained by The Washington Free Beacon.

The Democracy Alliance is a club of wealthy liberal donors who pledge hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding to approved left-wing groups. The Free Beacon was able to obtain documents, including the club’s agenda during the conference, which is being held at California’s posh La Costa Resort.

It began on Wednesday morning with the promise to all members and guests of the summit that their participation would “remain confidential.”

The conference agenda laid out “participation guidelines,” explaining that the Democracy Alliance is a “safe place” for donors and activists to meet. Guests are instructed not to share members’ names with the press and not to post to any social media sites. In addition, attendees are asked to contact Democracy Alliance if the “media or a blogger” contact them, and to “refrain from leaving sensitive materials out where others may find them.”

However, in this era of leakers, nothing is sacred. So, the agenda for the meeting, titled, “Beyond #Resistance: Reclaiming our Progressive Future,” was revealed via the conservative news outlet. It outlined three full days of events, culminating in a Friday night dinner headlined by Pelosi.


Complete text linked here.

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