Watch: Danish Immigration Minister’s Car Runs Over Immigrant After Attempt to Assault Politician

A visit to a deportation centre for illegal migrants by the Danish minister for immigration and integration Friday quickly turned violent as angry residents attempted to attack the politician, before throwing themselves in front her departing car.

Danish immigration and integration minister Inger Støjberg took to Facebook after the event to explain she had been visiting the deportation centre to speak with a family of migrants who were due to be removed from the country. However, instead of the conversation, the minister had expected scenes turned ugly as “around 40” people “became very excited”, leading to what she called an “aggressive mood”.

Footage from the incident acquired by Danish newspapers shows Støjberg’s security detail having to push back migrants as they extracted her from the building, and punches being thrown at police officers. As the minister’s car drove away from the scene, closely followed by a protection squad vehicle, a number of migrants stood in the way of the car — at least one of whom appears to have gone underneath the wheels.

Danish media reports “several” were hit by the car, but that there were no serious injuries.


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