Astonishing map shows the movement of millions of migrants across Europe in past 15 years amid ‘unprecedented’ refugee crisis fuelled by terror and conflict in the Middle East

Graphic reveals how millions of migrants have moved across the continent. It reveals a ‘tight correlation’ between terrorism and refugee flows. The heat map was created by experts at the Igarape Institute think-tank in Brazil.

This astonishing map shows the movement of millions of migrants across Europe in the past 15 years – during what researchers have branded an ‘unprecedented’ period.

Experts at the Igarape Institute think-tank in Brazil produced the time-lapse video which reveals the extent of the refugee crisis which has gripped the continent for years.

The ‘heat map’ shows that migrants often move from poor countries to other impoverished nations as they flee armed conflict.

It also reveals a ‘tight correlation’ between terrorism and refugee flows – as people escape danger by travelling to safe haven countries.

Cities are the primary reception point for new arrivals including refugees – ensuring the protection, care and eventually the integration of newcomers.

At least 80 cities of sanctuary in the UK are committed to welcoming refugees, asylum seekers and others seeking safety.


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