Republican students harassed, threatened for wearing MAGA hats

Members of the University of California, Riverside’s College Republicans chapter were threatened and harassed for holding a “#MAGA Monday” event on campus last week. One social media comment compared MAGA hats to “Nazi armbands,” while another warned that “SOMEONE IS GONNA GET SMACKED” for donning the headgear.

Members of the University of California, Riverside’s College Republicans chapter were threatened and harassed for holding a “#MAGA Monday” event on campus last week.

Members of the group, wearing “Make America Great Again ” hats, posted a photo of the event on Facebook, instantly sparking backlash and threats of violence.

Joseph Avila, former assistant news editor for the school’s newspaper, went so far as to suggest that the hats signify support for white supremacy, sarcastically asking the group to explain “the difference between Nazi armbands and those MAGA hats.”


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