Report: 1 in 4 EU Citizens ‘On Verge of Total Poverty’ as Leaders Open Continent to Third World Migrant Invasion (Video)

Brussels could be facing a revolt, one in four people in the European Union live on the verge of poverty, third world immigrants have invaded and Europe is now a continent without leadership.

One in four citizens living within the failing European Union project lives on the verge of total poverty. A number of EU “leaders” thought that French President Emmanuel Macron would somehow fix problems within the bloc. One wonders the EU leadership’s logic behind thinking that adding another spineless, greedy globalist would be effective in “resetting” anything.

The statistics that were revealed at the Brussels Economic Forum only showed the growing income inequality that somehow “shocked” the greedy bastards running the worst governmental system after communism (and associated ideologies).

They try to rationalize their success by looking at the fall in unemployment, yet a tenth of those who work make well below the poverty line. The EU leadership will continue importing unskilled and unneeded immigrant and refugee populations, despite this. The more ignorant and culturally disparate the group, the better to import in the eyes of the “kind-hearted” EU shills.


Complete text and video linked here.

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