Silenced, the Greatest Film on Free Speech, is Finally Available on Amazon!

Some people we spoke to hated politics, some were Democrats, some were liberals, some were conservatives, some were Republicans, and some were Trump supporters. We wanted a movie to unite all Americans under the common, shared value of free speech.

“Diverse group of thought leaders sharing stories and offering insight on free speech and its role in civilized society,” is how one reviewer on iTunes described Silenced, the only film discussing free speech in the U.S.

Silenced is finally available on Amazon. (If you have Amazon Prime, you can watch it for free.)

What are reviewers saying about Silenced?

“MILO: Mike Cernovich’s Silenced is great, and not just because I’m in it.” – MILO

“Watching silence was a real eye opening experience. I never knew how bad things had gotten in terms of free speech. Great Job!

“I enjoyed ‘Silenced’ and feel like I could, personally, add up the pieces to form a statement. In today’s world the ‘silencers’ don’t or won’t look at themselves introspectively unless there’s a significant event or reason to change.


Complete text linked here.

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