Deportations Hit 43-Year Annual Low Under Obama (Video)

A new report from the Center for Immigration shows the number of deportations of illegal immigrants living in the United States has dropped 73% under the Obama administration.

The study was based on new data released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The data shows that of the 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement removed only 65,332 of them.

According to MRCtv, if you compare the number of illegals deported in 2016 to the 240,000 illegal immigrants deported in 2009, you’ll see there was a 73% drop in deportations. On top of that, the data released by the DHS shows the number of criminal aliens deported in the country has dropped by 60%.

The CIS report reads:

“The main reason for the decline is the Obama administration’s prioritization scheme that has steadily narrowed the types of cases that ICE officers are permitted to pursue. These policies have exempted all but the most egregious alien offenders from deportation. Currently, only aliens convicted of felonies, significant misdemeanors, or three lesser misdemeanors are considered priorities, and exceptions are allowed in many cases, such as if the alien has acquired a family or other community ties here.”


Complete text linked here.

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