John Stossel: What the clueless, deceitful New York Times tells me about Trump

“Trump Denies Climate Change, These Kids Die.”
That’s the headline on a Nicholas Kristof column about drought in southern Africa. Apparently, there were no dry spells before “man-made global warming.”

Now that I no longer do a weekly TV show, I have more time to read my local paper. Sadly, that’s The New York Times.

The Times actually does some good reporting, but their political and economic coverage is filled with deceit.

Can I find deceit every day? You bet. Take a look at a few days just last week.


The front page: “NAFTA’s promise is falling short, Mexicans agree.”

Wow, the Times now embraces Donald Trump’s position on trade? Economists estimate that 14 million jobs depend upon NAFTA, but people everywhere often oppose trade because the smaller number of jobs lost is more visible than gradual gains.

What evidence of NAFTA’s failings does the Times offer? Oddly, the article says “the workforce has grown.”

Ah, hello? Job growth is good.

Jose Luis Rico “earns well under $10,000 a year.”

Not much by American standards, but good for Latin America, and the reporter mentions that Rico got “a handful of raises.” Have you gotten “a handful of raises”?

Despite NAFTA, the “gap between the nation’s rich and poor persists.”


Complete text linked here.

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