The Messy Truth about Van Jones by Michelle Malkin

A lifelong far-left conspiracy theorist now poses as the voice of reason.

They never learn.

The grand journalism pooh-bahs at CNN were humiliated this election cycle when WikiLeaks revealed that former CNN contributor and interim DNC chair Donna Brazile had shared a question with the Hillary Clinton campaign in advance of a March Democratic-primary town-hall debate. According to CNN, “activist anchor” Roland Martin and his production team at CNN’s debate partner and identity-politics network TV One were responsible for the leak. CNN host Jake Tapper called the episode “very, very troubling” and condemned the breach:

“Journalistically, it’s horrifying,” he told WMAL radio.

CNN president Jeff Zucker declared after an internal investigation that the network “would not partner ever again” with TV One.

But instead of weeding out left-wing partisans masquerading as mainstream political analysts from their lineup, CNN is doubling down. This week, the network debuted a news special called The Messy Truth, hosted by “political commentator” Van Jones.

Yeah, that guy.

Before he was pontificating on CNN airwaves, he was a top environmental official of the Obama administration. The special adviser for green jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality held a special place in Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett’s heart. The Chicago power broker took full credit at a fringe Daily Kos blogger conference for recruiting him and closely following his career.


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