Federal Lawsuit Seeks to Flesh Out True Illegal Alien Crime Rates

A lawsuit has been filed against the Department of Justice (DOJ), the FBI, and the Bureau of Prisons to force the production of records that demonstrate accurate illegal alien crime rates.

The immigration reform legal research group says the lawsuit is part of its effort to shed public light on “the Obama Administration’s continued usurpation of our immigration laws.”

Although the Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a report in 2011 admitting that over 20,000 U.S. citizens and legal residents were killed by illegal aliens, their research obtained shows it is “far higher,” they say.

IRLI Executive Director, Dale L. Wilcox, commented, “The records we expect to receive in response to our suit we hope will raise public awareness regarding President Obama’s no-borders policies and the burden placed on American families, like the Rosenbergs, families who’ve been forced to deal with the loss of a loved one.” Wilcox continued, “Every crime illegal aliens commit in the U.S. was potentially preventable if the illegal alien had been identified, apprehended, and removed before they victimized anyone.”


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