America’s Police Back Donald Trump

Fraternal Order of Police snubs Hillary after ‘Black Lives Matter’ pandering.

The nation’s largest police union endorsed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday, helping to change the narrative on a day in which so many reporters and commenters wanted to talk about so-called birtherism.

The valuable endorsement, made by the national Fraternal Order of Police, was won after Trump secured more than two-thirds approval from the FOP board.

The whole year has been an unusual one in politics, said Chuck Canterbury in a statement released to the public. But what is perhaps most surprising is not the endorsement, but the fact that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton did not seek the FOP’s support.

It was a surprising revelation. In the past, Democrats have learned the hard way what it is like to ignore or offend police unions.

In the 1988 presidential elect Vice President George H.W. Bush won the endorsement of the Boston police union, right under the nose of Massachusetts Gov. Mike Dukakis. The endorsement was an embarrassing blow to Dukakis’ campaign — and particularly damaging since his soft record on crime was already a campaign issue.


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