DOJ Watchdog Issues Report Finding Sanctuary Cities, States Illegal

The Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) waited almost two months to release a report that finds that several jurisdictions are violating the law because of their sanctuary jurisdiction policies. “The Obama Administration,” says the chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and The National Interest, “has a plain duty to cut off law enforcement funds to any jurisdiction that violates this responsibility to ensure the deportation of criminal aliens.”

The public release of the report came after a vote on key legislation dealing with sanctuary jurisdictions.

“After a two-month delay, the Department of Justice’s Inspector General, its internal watchdog, has published a memorandum finding that the practices of sanctuary jurisdictions violate federal law. This opinion must bring an end to the excuses proffered by numerous Democratic leaders to defend the extreme and dangerous practices of sanctuary jurisdictions,” said U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) who serves as chairman of the subcommittee.

The Inspector General issued the memorandum on May 31st but it was posted to the website on July 28th. The memorandum was issued to the Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs and reported that there were large states and localities whose operation of sanctuary jurisdiction policies violate federal law. These jurisdictions are receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in federal grant funds. These jurisdictions included Cook County, Illinois; New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the State of California.


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