Philippines President Threatens to Withdraw From UN

Duterte also attacked the UN for failing even in its ostensible mission of preventing war. “You know, United Nations, if you can say one bad thing about me, I can give you 10 [about the UN],” he continued. “I tell you, you are an inutile [useless], because if you are really true to your mandate, you could have stopped all these wars and killing.” He referred to Syria as the most recent example.

After enraging globalists around the world recently with his vow to ignore the “stupid” United Nations climate regime adopted in Paris, firebrand Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte (shown) is at it again. This time, responding to UN criticism of his controversial “war on drugs,” the recently elected leader of the Philippines is now threatening to leave the entire UN as well — and maybe even set up a rival organization.

The Filipino president, sometimes mischaracterized by establishment media outlets as Asia’s version of GOP presidential candidate “Donald Trump,” has developed a reputation for speaking his mind in highly undiplomatic ways. Last month, he ridiculed the UN and its “stupid” global-warming scheming, saying it was designed by oligarchs to “stifle” poorer nations. Over the weekend, Duterte again denounced the global outfit as useless and stupid, throwing out numerous expletives while defending his hardcore approach to illegal drugs and those who traffic them.

“Maybe we’ll just have to decide to separate from the United Nations,” fumed the president, expressing outrage over comments made by self-styled UN “experts” who attacked the Philippines and Duterte over hundreds of alleged drug dealers killed in recent months. “If you are that disrespectful, son of a whore, then I will just leave you. So take us out of your organization — you have done nothing, anyway.” The UN should also return contributions made to the outfit by the Philippines’ taxpayers, he said.


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