Popular Pages Revolt Against Facebook’s Arbitrary Censorship

A group of popular Facebook meme pages have launched a revolt against Facebook’s increasingly strict and bizarre censorship.

The revolt, which includes some of Facebook’s biggest comedy pages, aims to catch Facebook’s attention in a show of dissatisfaction with the social network’s current policy enforcement system.

“I have gone through a lot of post blocks and seen a lot of friends getting into issues with losing their accounts or pages even over the most inoffensive posts like this picture of Drake as a n64 controller that got my post blocked,” said one of the revolt’s organizers, Devin Shire, in an interview with Breitbart Tech.

“Originally we only had my page Young Thugga La Meme, Everything Is A Social Construct, another page I admin Chair Memes, Digiannantonio Aesthetic, and Kevin 3 I believe, then we went reaching out to everybody we knew who had pages and had them reach out to every other page admin they knew,” he explained. “It was not easy trying to talk some pages into being apart of this because a lot of them feared the backlash they might receive from Facebook for trying to stand up for this issue.”

Since the revolt started, numerous other popular pages have also joined in, including “POLANDBALL,” which has over 300,000 likes, “I play KORN to my DMT plants, smoke blunts all day & do sex stuff,” which has over 100,000 likes, and “I’m sad and I listen to Loveless every night,” which has over 40,000 likes.


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