Aztlan Rising–A New, Anti-American, National Consciousness Being Created Among Many Mexican-Americans

Take the screaming protesters who confronted Donald Trump in California with signs reading “Welcome to Aztlan”

One of the first theories many immigration patriots first get introduced to is the idea of Aztlan, what many Chicano activists call the American Southwest. Aztlan is supposed to be a newly independent Chicano homeland someday, the ethnostate for Mestizos eager to throw off the American Empire and set up their own republic of blood and soil built upon the old identity of the Aztecs.

Not surprisingly, the Southern Poverty Law Center calls this idea simply a “conspiracy theory” made up by “nativists” [Exploring Nativist Conspiracy Theories Including The ‘North American Union’ And The Plan De Aztlan, by Heidi Beirich, Southern Poverty Law Center, July 1, 2007]. It certainly sounds unrealistic. But it’s an idea that keeps popping up in “pro-immigration” protests.

Take this little aside from the May Day protests in Seattle.

Hundreds of families, students and activists marched peacefully from the Central District to downtown Seattle on Sunday, calling for changes in the laws that make it difficult for immigrants to gain citizenship here.

The May Day March for Workers and Immigrant Rights began with a two-hour rally in Judkins Park.

At 3 p.m., marchers took to the streets as part of a police-escorted, permitted march to the U.S. Courthouse downtown.


Complete text linked here.

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