80,000-Plus Attend NRA Convention, While Moms Demand Rally Draws ‘Around 40’

More than 80,000 people attended the NRA’s Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Louisville, Kentucky, over the weekend, while “around 40” marched in a Moms Demand Action rally timed to coincide with the NRA event.

A similar scenario occurred in April 2015 as Moms Demand held a rally to counter the NRA Annual Meetings, that one held in Nashville, Tennessee. Breitbart News attended the Moms Demand Rally in Nashville and took photographs to show the group was only able to garner about 150 attendees to counter the approximately 70,000 who attended the NRA meetings.

In 2016, the disparity in size between the two groups was even more glaring. The NRA’s attendance surged by more than 10,000–to an excess of 80,000 attendees–while Moms Demand’s attendance fell to what The Courier-Journal described as “around 40” gun control proponents.


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