Broaddrick on ‘evil’ Clinton rape: ‘I could never forgive them’

Warns Hillary presidency ‘would be destructive to the United States’

uanita Broaddrick first spoke publicly about her experience being raped by Bill Clinton in 1999. I met her while featuring her story in my book, “Their Lives: The Women Targeted By The Clinton Machine.” She has largely stayed out of the public eye for the last decade, but she has spoken out during this 2016 election cycle to urge the American public to refuse to elect Hillary Clinton to the presidency. I was honored to meet with Juanita in her Van Buren, Arkansas, home to talk about the long-lasting impact the Clintons’ abuse has had on her life.

The brutal sexual assault itself has been described in Juanita’s own words in the Wall Street Journal, on NBC’s “Dateline” with Lisa Myers, and in my book “Their Lives.” This interview isn’t about cheap headlines promising new revelations of details surrounding the rape itself. This is about sharing publicly new details of how the rape has affected Juanita over her lifetime. It’s also about presenting Juanita’s experience to a new generation, including millennials who may be more open-minded to hearing the truth about the Clintons now than their baby boomer parents were in the 1990s.


Complete text linked here.

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