Why don’t Republicans name the enemy? by Dennis Prager

The left is almost never mentioned is source of societal damage.

In the Wall Street Journal last week, two influential billionaires – former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a very moderate Republican, and Charles G. Koch, the libertarian chairman and CEO of Koch Industries Inc. – wrote an op-ed piece decrying the suppression of free speech taking place at universities across America.

You have to salute their good intentions. But as well-intentioned and accurate as their critique is, the Bloomberg-Koch column is largely useless.

Why? Because they assiduously avoid identifying who or what acts are causing our universities to mimic fascist institutions, namely: ruining dissenters’ careers; penalizing dissenting students; not hiring dissenting professors; disinviting the few invited speakers with whom the majority differs; shouting down dissenting speakers; students and faculty occupying and taking over college administrators’ offices, etc.

The Bloomberg-Koch column is like going to your doctor and getting back a fully accurate report that you are dying that doesn’t even hint at why you are dying.

Why don’t Bloomberg and Koch mention the words “left” or “progressive” or “liberal” even once? The entire deterioration of the American university (and high school and elementary school) is the result of leftist influence. How could they not mention this?


Complete text linked here.

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