‘Never Trump’ ringleader plots 3rd-party challenge (Video)

Bill Kristol launches Twitter war: ‘Is it Sasse-Coburn 2016, or Coburn-Sasse 2016?’

Donald Trump may have cleared the nomination path of other Republican presidential candidates, but to Bill Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard – and one of the neoconservative movement’s biggest names and loudest voices – the billionaire businessman is still a no-go who ought to be overtaken by a third-party person.

Kristol’s Twitter account Thursday was awash with recent postings against Trump and for a third-party candidate, like former Sen. Tom Coburn or Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb.

He wrote in one tweet: “I registered this domain months ago: neithertrumpnorhillary.com. I guess now we need to get to work. Could use help! @BenSasse, @GovHaleySC.”

In another, Kristol tweeted this line, alongside a message from Sasse that blasted a Trump presidency: “Americans won’t settle for a choice like this … if a representative of the people steps forward to offer a third way.” And the attached link that led to Sasse’s own Twitter post asked the question, in all caps: “WHY WOULD AMERICANS EVER SETTLE FOR A CHOICE LIKE THIS?” Clicking on that post led to another Sasse Twitter message that read: “But we ‘have to’ support him, ‘because the only choice is Trump or Hillary.’ ummm WHY?”


Complete text and video linked here.

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