Ann Coulter explains what it would take to shut her up (Video)

America, she says, has no future without President Trump. And no Ann Coulter, either. How her book on the horrors of immigration shaped Trump’s campaign. And no, she’s not kidding, about anything.

It is a question that has been asked at least a million times over the past two decades — sometimes by her right-wing friends in admiration and amusement, more often by her left-wing enemies in desperation or damnation — and finally we have the answer from her own, proudly venomous, lips: What would make Ann Coulter, the queen mother of American political invective, shut up?

“You want to know what would shut Ann Coulter right up?” she asks. “Defeat Trump. Unless we elect Trump and do something about immigration, America will disappear. And I’ll disappear with it….

“I should be working on another book now, but I can’t, I’m too wrapped up in the election. I’ll have to skip a year on books. And if Trump loses, my next book will probably be a cookbook. I’ll be done with politics, except for a nasty tweet or two about the end of America. Maybe I’ll organize Facebook groups to help me desecrate Teddy Kennedy’s grave.”

This is what passes for a reflective and even morose moment in the all-guns-blazing-all-the-time world of Coulter, and a startling one, too. Could it really be true?


Complete text and video linked here.

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