Political Party Proposes Negative Migration As National Population Experiences Record Growth

As new statistics show over three quarters of all population growth in Sweden is down to foreigners, the nation’s lone dissenting political voice on mass migration has said it is time to start expelling migrants in greater numbers.

Economics spokesman for the Sweden Democrats party Oscar Sjöstedt has spoken out this week, remarking that far from just controlling the borders the Swedish government should be sending away more migrants than arrive, creating in effect ‘negative immigration’ figures.

His new policy suggestion came in an interview with the party’s own web TV programme, reports FriaTider. Speaking online, Mr. Sjöstedt said Sweden should gear up repatriation, remarking: “Step one is of course to bring down the volume as strongly as possible.

“Actually [taking it] to zero, or if I’ll be honest into negative volumes… We can’t just have a reduced immigration, we need to actually have repatriation too”.

He also said a multi-billion crown project to get immigrants into work should also be abolished, as “very few” ever succeed, despite the enormous amounts of money lavished on them.

The Sweden Democrats’ hard-line stance on mass migration were considered extreme and unpalatable by government coalition partners and the mainstream media 12 months ago, yet as the migrant crisis has deteriorated others have shifted towards their point of view. Now that even centrist parties condone some forms of border control the Sweden Democrats are again shifting the narrative beyond mere border checks but into mass deportations.


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