Hispanic Anti-Trump Protester Warns White Voters of the Consequences of Electing Trump: ‘We Own Texas’ (Video)

Latino group chants” F… Trumo, F… Trump,…”

Speaking outside a Donald Trump rally in Fort Worth, Texas on Friday, a Hispanic demonstrator warned the GOP candidate’s white supporters that there would be consequences if Trump manages to make it all the way to the White House.

“If these people get what they want, Trump in there, I guarantee you — you think the Mexicans are going to lay down that easily? We don’t ever say nothing,” Ronald Gonzales, of Dallas, said.

After explaining that he isn’t an advocate for open borders, he argued that many of the illegal immigrants living in the U.S. “already got families and kids that are here” — and they wouldn’t allow a Trump administration to break up their families.

“It ain’t gonna happen,” Gonzales said. “You really want the Mexicans to really, really stir, really get mad? Y’all don’t understand — we aren’t the minority anymore. We own Texas. Texas is Mexican-made. I’m five generations deep right here.”

When pressed by TheBlaze on his warning about Trump’s rhetoric on deporting illegal immigrants, he doubled down on his comments.

“What do you think?” Gonzales asked incredulously. “You think the Hispanics are going to sit back and let these people come and take our parents away? … I’ve never called y’all crackers or nothing like that until this time,” he said. “Y’all call us Mexicans, spics and all that.”


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