Refugee Charity Stops Aid To Calais Because 97% Are Men With ‘No Real Reason’ To Be There

A Bradford based charity will now only be helping genuine refugees near Syria after they woke up to the fact that those in the Calais “Jungle” camp are almost exclusively fit young men, who are “happy” to be there and not fleeing danger.

The charity was tired of unwanted donations being left to spoil by the economic migrants.

The Human Relief Foundation (HRF) has been generously running a project to help the “refugees” based in Calais, previously claiming they were all “fleeing war and significant atrocities.”

However, on a recent visit HRF’s deputy chief executive Kassim Tokan and his team discovered unwanted clothing and food being “dumped and burnt” by the migrants.

“I thought they have valid reason, but most of them they haven’t any valid reason… they want to go [to the UK] to get money, a better economic situation,” Tokan told ITV News.

HRF will now refocus its efforts on help Syrians trapped in neighbouring Lebanon and Jordan.

He said migrants told him, bluntly, that they were quite happy to stay in the camp. “There is no point in staying here… Syrian people in Jordan have a much better life,” he suggested.


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