Border State Sheriffs React to DOJ Plan to Release up to 2,000 Criminal Illegal Aliens

Border State Sheriffs are responding to a report that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is set to engage in the largest one-time release of federal prisoners. 6,000 inmates will receive early release, 2,000 of which are “foreign citizens” who officials claim “will be quickly deported.” The release is set to occur between October 30th and November 2nd.

The Washington Post reported that the DOJ is releasing the prisoners in order to reduce overcrowding. The release is also intended to reduce the sentences of drug offenders who have received tough sentences over the past 30 years. According to the report, most of the inmates will be released to halfway houses or will be placed in home confinement. The prisoners will be put on supervised release later.

The mass release comes after the U.S. Sentencing Commission reduced the punishment for drug offenders convicted in the future and made the sentencing changes retroactive to those already in prison. The commission is an independent agency of the judicial branch whose principle purpose is to establish sentencing policies and practices for the federal courts. The commission also works with Congress, the executive branch, and those in the public sector on federal criminal issues.

The Post reported that the change in sentencing guidelines could result in the release of 46,000 inmates in federal prison – a little less than half of the 100,000 drug offenders who qualify for early release. The report of 6,000 inmates being released is just the first wave of that release. An additional 8,550 inmates are eligible for release between November 1, 2015, and November 1, 2016.


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