Ron Paul: ‘Biggest Bubble Ever’ Will Become ‘Biggest Crash Ever’ (Video)

Acknowledging that it’s impossible to predict when the next collapse will come, Paul warned, “The world has never had a situation like this where the whole world endorsed a paper currency and had pyramiding of debt around the world by the reserve currency which is the dollar, so it’s the biggest bubble ever so it’s going to be the biggest crash ever.”

In an interview on RT’s Boom Bust, Ron Paul spoke frankly about the presidential election and the economy.

On whether the top tier Republicans reflect a trend in people distrusting Washington, D.C., Paul shrugged it off, saying, “Most incumbents are going to be reelected,” and, “I think some of this stuff in the presidential race is orchestrated by the major media, and it’s entertainment and they have competitions going on and on.”


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