Actress Marion Cotillard’s Strong Words About Feminism in Film

Actress Marion Cotillard Upsets Hollywood Feminists… “For me it doesn’t create equality. It creates separation…”

Finally! A mainstream actress with the guts to speak out!

Known best her for her roles in The Dark Knight Rises and Inception, Marion Cotillard is making news today for coming out of the closet… as a non-feminist.

In an interview with The Evening Standard, Cotillard made some powerful statements about feminism in the film industry:

Speaking of gender equality in the acting world, Cotillard expressed her discomfort with the argument. “Filmmaking is not about gender. You cannot ask a president in a festival like Cannes to have, like, five movies directed by women and five by men.”

A-freaking-men. The gender of the director shouldn’t matter, it should be about the quality and performance of the films created, which is exactly what Hollywood is already doing, by the way. They’re biggest goal is to make great films which rake in dump trucks of cash, not to be a liberal science experiment despite most of Hollywood paying collagen-filled lip service to the liberal causes. Now if only we can get the rest of the world to take notes…


Complete text linked here.

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