¿Se Habla Ann Coulter?

“Americans love to mock the French for rolling over for Hitler, but at least they had Panzers rolling through Paris. America has chosen to do nothing as our country is taken away from us without a shot fired.” – Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter is bold, brash, provocative, talented, fearless, witty, and outrageous. If she were on the left, she’d be lionized. (Lionessized?) She’d be widely regarded as an adornment to society. But she is not on the left.

She is on the right, and a darling of the Right. But she does not fear to depart from the Right. (She seems not to fear anything.) For instance, she is an avid fan of Mitt Romney. (It may surprise liberals to know, but he’s a bête noire of the Right.) And in a column last year, she blasted right-wing critics of Senator Mitch McConnell for “groupthink” and “mob behavior.”

Clearly, this is a woman who thinks for herself.

She has written a string of bestsellers, which typically feature her picture on the cover and a one-word title: “Treason,” “Godless,” “Mugged,” etc. Her latest book has her picture on the cover but not a one-word title. It’s a two-word title, complete with upside-down exclamation point: ¡Adios, America! The subtitle is “The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole.”

From the subtitle, a person might think this book is a crazy rant, and there are crazy-rant touches, for Coulter writes flamboyantly. But this is a serious book making serious points.


Complete text linked here.

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